The conclusion and the subsequent steps

In the case of a public deed, the notary is obliged to read it in its entirety to the parties (in front of witnesses, if the act is concluded with the assistance of witnesses). The reading of the Act must not be hurried nor incomplete, and the obligation of reading is not fulfilled exactly when the parties are far enough away not to be heard clearly by the notary reading. Any party may request a photocopy of the deed in order to more easily follow the reading. For writes, private law does not prescribe the obligation of reading , but the code of ethics requires that the notary deed has to be read before signing, to allow the notary to ensure that the document matches the intent of the parties. The notary does not exhaust its activities with the signing of the deed, but he has to fulfill the obligations to which it is obliged by law or by appointment received by the parties. For some requirements (eg transcriptions in the land register entries in land registers in the register of succession) the notary must provide by law without delay or within a short time, for others (eg, mortgage registration) it is appropriate that the notary makes provision as soon as possible to avoid damage to parts.

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